J'hésite pas mais de la à dire que ce sera de la découverte...
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15 sept. 2022, 18:31 Réputation: 0 | Messages: 0 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
10 oct. 2022, 10:14 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
10 oct. 2022, 10:17 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
12 oct. 2022, 15:06 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
@Doc-Cranium Celle-ci je l'adore !
12 oct. 2022, 16:43 Réputation: 10,128 | Messages: 4,449 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
13 oct. 2022, 14:11 | dernière édition par Doc Cranium 13 oct. 2022, 14:11 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Viens de tomber dessus totalement par hasard
Jolie découverte
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
15 oct. 2022, 17:38 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
24 oct. 2022, 13:37 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
@Doc-Cranium a dit dans Synthwave :
Je partage ce son dans absolument toutes les soirées, il est incroyable
24 oct. 2022, 14:54 Réputation: 0 | Messages: 0 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
26 oct. 2022, 15:39 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
celle-là est pas mal, aussi
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
26 oct. 2022, 16:32 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
29 oct. 2022, 21:07 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
5 déc. 2022, 12:59 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Attention, c'est du gros son
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
13 déc. 2022, 18:24 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
13 déc. 2022, 18:57 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Pur son, qui groove...
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
16 déc. 2022, 11:27 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
Every decade gains its identity around the third year. 1990 is actually the last year of the 80s.
18 déc. 2022, 20:54 Réputation: 5,816 | Messages: 6,160 -
@Doc-Cranium tu connais College ?
Ça passe à l instant sur France 4, de la synthwave française, c est sympa20 déc. 2022, 21:47 Réputation: 14,639 | Messages: 11,903